
Friday, January 18, 2008

Some Shameless Begging

Hello loyal readers. And welcome, also, to those of you who are not related to me.

There are some blog awards currently being voted on, and we have been asked to enter The H List. Any success would be dependent upon someone nominating us, and then several people voting for us. Neither mine or Boleyn Beluga's mothers are able to work t'internet, so we will require some help from you all.

The two websites are :

I suppose that we would fall into the "Best Blog" category for the former and "Best Sports Blog" for the latter. If you really felt strongly, I of course could fall into the category of "Hottest Daddy Blogger" seeing as I am essentially a clone of Russell Crowe circa Gladiator.

Michael Dawson has already nominated us for "Worst Blog In The World" but that's just because he is upset that I mocked his Whitney Houston obsession.

Hopefully, all of the above is clear. I tried to explain it to the Beluga, but he got that same look in his eye as when I tried to teach him long division at school one day. Sort of how I imagine someone might look when they are on the verge of neural failure.

Thanks in advance for your support.

EDIT: Hurrah - shameless begging works. We've been nominated for the Bloggers Choice Awards. As a direct result of asking.

You can vote here - it does require you to register which will be the death knell for us if we rely on the kids of today to vote for us:

As an aside I also have a date with over 1,700 women, each with a Roman General fetish. Outstanding.


  1. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Dear Mr. Sharkimus,
    I moderate a list of over 2000 women from all over the world who like to discuss Russell Crowe. According to latest tally, 1759 of them will be knocking on your door tomorrow at or near 3:47PM EST. Please have your armor on. The cape with the wolf drape, were it to be part of the attire, will probably attract a couple hundred more. You may need your gladius should you decide to protect your honor (that is, one presumes, there is honor there to protect).
    Thank you very much,
    Yours sincerely,

  2. Anonymous3:28 AM


  3. Anonymous3:46 AM wouldnt happen to have some western duds...say in the form of a circuit preacher's frock and a pair of pistols ready to wear, would you? Cause if you suddenly feel the need to discourage those with a gladiatorial interest, might I suggest you go Wild Wild West on me...I mean, them...

  4. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Um if your taking requests....I'll take your version of a 1950's cop with attitude.

  5. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Do you think Sharkimus does Napoleonic sea captains? Well, not does them so much as be's them. And all these anonymous posts are NOT me. I did the first one and this one but not the ones in between. I'm just innocently back here checking to see what's going on as I posted this on the big list just to see what would happen. Not much. Not yet anyway.
    Shucks! One tries. That's all one can sometimes do. Like now. Now is a time like that. Those times that try women's souls. But we, well, we persevere. Though I don't really know why we do. Perhaps if the sea captain had a pair of Colt .45's and a wolfskin drape and a 50's tie? Maybe camo? Yeah, that'd add a nice touch. And a hockey helmet and a wax pencil for writing equations on windowpanes. Now we're gettin' somewhere. Wherever that might actually, um, be. But if I write one of these valuable little blips of literature, I'll sign my nom-de-bloge to it.

  6. Anonymous3:01 PM

    "We have been asked to enter The H List"

    ....'We' being your split personality having been asked by your own reflection.

  7. Beluga - I actually did get an email.

    Pipe down anyway - it brought us the joy of Joimus who is already our most frequent commentator. God Bless You Joimus - would a full West Ham kit be of any use to you?

  8. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Dear Sharkimus the Magnificent,
    The 1700 of us who did show up at your door would like to thank you for your, um, hospitality and bestow the honorific "magnificent" upon you for various, unnamed reasons.

    You ask if I, Joimus the Blessed, would appreciate a full West Ham kit, to which I, alas, must respond just what does a full kit have beyond the contents of a partial kit that would make it worth the extra shipping costs and also why West Ham is better than East Ham or even West Beef? Having spent my teen years on an angus farm (truly), I tend to prefer beef to ham.
    Joimus ( If you go there, you will see why this particular blog of yours showed up in my alerts. heh heh
